Thu 14 Sep 2017
tags: python presentations data science queues celery airflow rabbitmq
I was very fortunate to present to the main track at PyCon Ireland 2017 on the topic of scaling your processing.
The talk was entitled “Two approaches to scale your processing: Task Queues and Workflows” and was aimed at an intermediate Python audience to introduce them to the Celery and …
Fri 07 Oct 2016
tags: python presentations data science gradient boosting scikit-learn xgboost
In 2016, I again had the pleasure of presenting to the annual Python Ireland Conference or PyCon. I gave a talk on “Gradient Boosting” which was aimed at introducing this technique in terms of general data science aspects but also the Python libraries that one can ues for it.
The …
Thu 08 Oct 2015
tags: python presentations data pipeline mongodb data science machine learning scikit-learn
I had the pleasure of presenting at PyCon 2015 and also at MongoDB Days UK 2015 on building data pipelines with Python and MongoDB.
Both of my talks source’s and examples are in Github repos, PyCon 2015 and MongoDB Days UK 2015. The PyCon talk was aimed at introducing …